4TellX Blog


White Paper: What Educators Don’t Know, And Why It Costs Them Billions of Dollars Each Year
By Roy Nieto June 4, 2021
Despite the vast amounts of data collected in education, each year we allow millions of students to fall through the cracks and not achieve their full potential. The data collected is not the issue; the issue is our inability to analyze large datasets and interpret the results. Statistical analysis conducted on spreadsheets is not adequate to analyze large volumes of data that reveal robust insights into instruction or institutional performance.
Implement Interventions for Student Success During This Pandemic
By roy April 16, 2021
4TellX offers districts, administrators, teachers, and counselors the necessary information to target students’ academic needs. In the classroom, teachers can use the information gleaned from big data to gear lessons towards students’ problem areas; therefore, students are more successful.
Providing Personalized Education Through Data Mining
By roy February 10, 2021
4TellX provides custom reports and dashboards so superintendents can locate information about students and classes in real time. Often, data is used at the district level to inform decisions; however, although necessary, it rarely gets to the teacher level. The administrators are in the trenches working to meet students’ individual learning needs, so it is imperative the information is provided in a simple way so staff can make decisions.
4TellX top 40 organizations in education
By roy January 14, 2021
Global Forum for Education and Learning's mission is to create a forum where the brightest minds who have a passion for education come together to share knowledge and ideas that help solve problems and transform people’s lives.
Roy Nieto Being one of the Top 100 Educational Visionaries by the GFEL
By roy December 19, 2020
Roy Nieto has been named one of the Top Educational Visionaries by the Global Forum and Educational Learning organization. Mr. Nieto has spent the last 27 years working in education to improve the lives of low-income students.
How 4TellX Assists Superintendents with Decision Making
By Roy Nieto December 4, 2020
When superintendents make decisions, it impacts all stakeholders. Before making decisions that affect so many, information must be gathered, evaluations made, and opportunities analyzed. Decisions are not made lightly, so when superintendents change policy, announce a new direction, or continue on the same path, they need data to inform these important decisions. 4TellX provides the data to help and update superintendents, so every decision is supported by facts and years of historical and current data.
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